Conform art. 8 din Hotărârea Consiliului de Administrație al Universității din Craiova nr. 24 din 14.09.2022, activitatea didactică în perioada 28 noiembrie - 23 decembrie 2022 și 20 februarie-19 martie 2023 se va desfășura in format online.

Materialele didactice sunt disponibile accesând site-ul "Facultatea de Drept - cursuri online 2022-2023"



The prime endeavour of the Fundamental Legal Research Centre is to conduct fundamental scientific research activities in public law and promote civic education and knowledge.


The first major aim of the Centre is to encourage multidisciplinary education, innovative educational initiatives and the enhancement of quality in the training and educational process. A second major aim proposes the facilitation of individual development through the acquisition of novel attainments and abilities, the increase of new possibilities via which one’s own personality can be freely expressed and displayed, and the adaptation to the fast-forwarded, ever-changing political, socio-cultural, legal and economic current environment. A third essential aim consists in the development of behavioural skills and competences for better networking and interrelations between students in higher education institutions.

All Centre associates are highly experienced and appreciated members of the academic community. Seven professors, members of the Fundamental Legal Research Centre, coordinate advanced, groundbreaking doctoral research activities, thus aligning themselves to high quality standards in legal education, research and innovation. 


Coordinator of the research centre:

Professor Dan Claudiu Dănișor, PhD

Bios. Dan Claudiu Dănișor is Professor of Constitutional Law and Political Institutions at the Faculty of Law, University of Craiova, Romania. He is a prolific, awarded researcher [“Nicolae Titulescu” Award presented by the Romanian Academy for the work Întreținerea în contextul drepturilor fundamentale (Maintenance in the Context of Fundamental Rights); “Istrate Micescu” Award presented by the Union of Jurists of Romania for the work Filosofia dreptului – Marile curente (Philosophy of Law – Major Trends)] and a proactive member of internationally recognised reviews [Public Law Review; Journal of Law Sciences; Romanian Pandects; Law Review], publishing houses [Universul Juridic] and research centres and institutes [Centre de Recherche et d’Etude en Droit et Science Politique de Dijon, France; Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, University of Burgundy (Université de Bourgogne), Burgundy, Dijon, France]. With a professional experience of over 20 years in the academic field, Professor Dănișor has instilled generations of students with key legal knowledge and skills. Moreover, in his role as Doctoral Supervisor, he has succeeded in mustering the best of Romanian and French Schools of Law into four completed and one ongoing theses in joint supervision, as well as two doctoral theses conducted under the supervision of foreign professors.

As Rector of the University of Craiova, Romania, Dan Claudiu Dănișor has strong-mindedly engaged in forward-looking fund-raising programmes and campaigns that pursue enhancement of quality in academic research [University databases and full text electronic resources purchased through the project “Partnership for the modernisation and reorganisation of services provided by University Libraries”, via the European Social Fund], in the (re)construction process of headquarters for University Faculties and the setup of research infrastructures in applied sciences [the construction of the new headquarter of the Faculty of Law through European Funds; INCESA project through the Operational Programme – Increase of Economic Competitiveness] and in  provision of scholarships, as well as international exchange programmes for students, doctoral candidates and postdoctoral researchers.

Team members:

Permanent members:

Professor Dan Claudiu Dănișor, PhD

Specialisation: Legal Theory; Constitutional Law and Political Institutions; Human Rights and Freedoms

Doctoral supervisor: Constitutional Law

Professor Ion Dogaru, PhD

Specialisation: Civil Law; Philosophy of Law; Legal Theory

Doctoral supervisor: Civil Law

Professor Gheorghe Dănișor, PhD

Specialisation: Legal Theory; Philosophy of Law

Doctoral supervisor: Legal Theory

Professor Sevastian Cercel, PhD

Specialisation: Civil Law

Doctoral supervisor: Civil Law

Professor Edmond Gabriel Olteanu, PhD

Specialisation: Intellectual Property Law; Civil law

Professor George Gîrleșteanu, PhD

Specialisation: Constitutional Law and Political Institutions; Human Rights and Freedoms; Administrative Law

Doctoral supervisor: Constitutional Law

Professor Sebastian Rădulețu, PhD

Specialisation: Criminal Law; Human Rights and Freedoms; Procedural Rights ECtHR

Doctoral supervisor: Human Rights and Freedoms

Associate Professor Roberta Țapu (Ploscă), PhD

Specialisation: Legal Theory

Lecturer Sonia Drăghici, PhD

Specialisation: Constitutional Law and Political Institutions; Human Rights and Freedoms, Comparative Public Law

Associate Professor Elena-Mădălina Nica, PhD

Specialisation: Constitutional Law and Political Institutions; Human Rights and Freedoms; Election Law

Lecturer Lavinia-Elena Smarandache (Stuparu), PhD

Specialisation: Banking Law; Commercial Law

Lecturer Mădălin Savu-Ticu, PhD

Specialisation: Civil Law; Philosophy of Law

Ionuţ Amza, PhD

Specialisation: Constitutional Law and Political Institutions

Ionuţ Răduleţu, PhD

Specialisation: Civil Law

Associate members:

Associate Professor Diana Dănișor, PhD

Specialisation: French Language; Legal Terminology & Translations

Professor Daniel Ghiță, PhD

Specialisation: Civil Law; Civil Procedure

Lecturer Cătălin Voiculescu, PhD

Specialisation: Criminal Law

Associate Professor Adrian-Barbu Ilie, PhD

Specialisation: Environmental Law

Lecturer Robert Bischin, PhD

Specialisation: Administrative Law; Business Law

Lecturer Mădălina-Cristina Dănișor (Putinei), PhD

Specialisation: Legal Theory; Constitutional Law and Political Institutions; Human Rights and Freedoms

Assistant Lecturer Adriana Bălăşoiu, PhD

Specialisation: Human Rights and Freedoms; Tax Law

Assistant Lecturer Oana-Maria Bălan (Gîrleşteanu), PhD

Specialisation: Civil Law; Legal Interpretation

Assistant Lecturer Irina-Marina Lazăr, PhD

Specialisation: Administrative Law


The Centre conducts fundamental scientific research activities in law and publishes research outcomes

Short description: The Fundamental Legal Research Centre mainly focuses on undertaking legal research activities and putting out research achievements. Members of the Centre conduct scientific research individually or in thematic research groups. The Centre has been pursuing scientific research activities under the aegis/ patronage of the Romanian Academy since 2007.

Main research points of focus, developed and published under the auspices of the Centre, are as follows:

1. George Gîrleşteanu, Organizarea generală a administraţiei [General Organisation of Administration], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2011;

2. George Gîrleşteanu, Autorităţi administrative autonome [Autonomous Administrative Authorities], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucureşti, 2011;

3. George Gîrleşteanu, Drept constituţional şi instituţii politice [Constitutional Law and Political Institutions], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012;

4. George Gîrleşteanu, Regimul juridic al intervenţiilor statului în economie [Legal Regime of State Interventions in Economy], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013;

5. Dan Claudiu Dănişor, Principii, instituţii şi proceduri ale administraţiei publice locale [Local Public Administration Principles, Institutions and Procedures], Sitech Publishing House, Craiova, 2009;

6. Dan Claudiu Dănişor, George Gîrleşteanu, Democraţia participativă locală şi informarea cetăţenilor [Local Participative Democracy and the Informing of Citizens], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2011;

7. George Gîrleşteanu, Administraţia publică şi protecţia drepturilor cetăţeneşti [Public Administration and Protection of Citizenship Rights], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012;

8. Oana-Maria Bălan, Interpretarea dreptului [Interpretation of Law], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013;

9. Sonia Drăghici, Fundamentele constituţionale ale dreptului civil [Constitutional Fundaments of Civil Law], C.H. Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010;

10. Mădălina Nica, Drept electoral [Election Law], Sitech Publishing House, Craiova, 2010;

11. Sebastian Răduleţu, Protecţia drepturilor fundamentale – între libertatea presei si necesitatea bunei funcţionări a justiţiei [Protection of Fundamental Rights – Between Freedom of Press and the Necessity of the Proper Functioning of Justice], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013;

12. Dan Claudiu Dănişor (coordinator), Sonia Drăghici, George Gîrleşteanu, Mădălina Nica, Sebastian Răduleţu, Metodologie pentru examenul de Drept constituţional şi instituţii politice [Methodology for the Constitutional Law and Political Institutions Exam], Paralela 45 Publishing House, Piteşti, 2007;

13. Dan Claudiu Dănişor, Tratat de drept constituţional şi instituţii politice. Vol. I. Teoria generală [Treatise on Constitutional Law and Political Institutions. Vol. I, General Theory], C.H. Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2007;

14. Sebastian Răduleţu, George Gîrleșteanu, Sonia Drăghici, Excepția de neconstituționalitate în sistemul de drept roman [The Exception of Unconstitutionality in the Romanian Legal System], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015;

15. George Gîrleșteanu (coordinator), Tradiţiile democratice ale poporului român şi idealurile Revoluţiei din decembrie 1989 [The Democratic Traditions of the Romanian People and the Ideals of the Revolution of December 1989], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015

16. Oana-Maria Bălan (Gîrleşteanu), Notarul public şi executorul judecătoresc în statul de drept – garanţi ai siguranţei juridice şi barometrii ai încrederii indivizilor în sistemul de drept [The Public Notary and the Bailiff in the Rule of Law – Guarantors of Legal Certainty and Barometers of Individuals’ Trust in the Legal System], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2015;

17. Dan Claudiu Dănişor (coordinator), Dreptul la identitate, suveranitatea şi politicile de integrare a minorităţilor [Right to Identity, Sovereignty and Minority Integration Policies], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010.

Contact person: Professor Dan Claudiu Dănişor, PhD

The Centre attracts and administers necessary funding for scientific research development

Short description: The Fundamental Legal Research Centre engages in activities aimed at the attraction and administration of funds for the development of scientific research, by accessing various national and international funding schemes. The Centre prides itself on having won competitions and implemented a series of significant research projects, proof of which are the following Romanian or foreign language scientific research works:

1. Project ‘Dreptul la identitate şi politicile de incluziune socială’ [‘Right to Identity and Social Inclusion Policies’], grant Contract no. 182/13.09.2007, project approved and co-financed by the Romanian Academy, coordinated by Professor Dan Claudiu Dănişor, PhD (project value 4.000 lei), result: monograph ‘Dreptul la identitate, suveranitatea şi politicile de integrare a minorităţilor’ [‘Right to Identity, Sovereignty and Minority Integration Policies’], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2010, ISBN 978-973-127-285-6

2. Proiectul ‘Mass-media – mijloc de dezvoltare a capacităţii de interacţiune cetăţean-administraţie’ [‘Mass-Media – Means of Developing the Citizen-Administration Interaction Ability’], Contract no. 12212/21.08.2009, project approved and co-financed by County Council Dolj, coordinated by Professor Dan Claudiu Dănişor, PhD (project value 77.200 lei), result: monograph ‘Principii, instituţii şi proceduri ale administraţiei publice locale’ [‘Principles, Institutions and Procedures of Local Public Administration’], Sitech Publishing House, 2009, ISBN 978-606-530-675-2

3. Project ‘Informarea şi participarea cetăţenilor – mijloc de dezvoltare a capacităţii de interacţiune cetăţean-administraţie’ [‘Informing and Participation of Citizens – Means of Developing the Citizen-Administration Interaction Ability’], Contract no. 7335/31.05.2011, approved and financed by County Council Dolj, coordinated by Associate Professor George Gîrleșteanu, PhD (project value 18.000 lei), result: monograph ‘Democraţia participativă locală şi informarea cetăţenilor’ [‘Local Participative Democracy and the Informing of Citizens’], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2011, ISBN 978-973-127-607-6

4. Proiectul ‘Administraţia publică şi protecţia drepturilor cetăţeneşti’ [‘Public Administration and Protection of Citizenship Rights’], Contract no. 13881/25.10.2012, project approved and financed by County Council Dolj, coordinated by Associate Professor George Gîrleșteanu, PhD (project value 44.500 lei), result: monograph ‘Administraţia publică şi protecţia drepturilor cetăţeneşti’ [‘Public Administration and Protection of Citizenship Rights’], Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2012, ISBN 978-606-673-002-0

Contact person: Professor George Gîrleșteanu, PhD


The Centre conducts training, continuous professional development and vocational requalification activities

Short description:  The Fundamental Legal Research Centre undertakes training, continuous professional development and vocational requalification activities aimed at various target groups (students, civic society members, representatives of different associative structures or public administration, members of different legal professional bodies, etc.). To such activities pinpoint the following examples:

1. The project ‘Mass-media – mijloc de dezvoltare a capacităţii de interacţiune cetăţean-administraţie’ [‘Mass-Media – Means of Developing the Citizen-Administration Interaction Ability’], approved and co-financed by County Council Dolj and implemented in the period 21.08.2009-14.11.2009, had as main objective the promotion of civic education and knowledge regarding local public administration with the scope of improving and furthering the interaction between citizens and administration. The project was developed for a target group made up of 25 County Dolj mass-media representatives and presupposed the organisation of training courses on local public administration principles, institutions and procedures. The six organised training courses, summing up to a total of 36 teaching hours, touched on the following themes: civil liberties and local public administration, the law on construction and urbanism, public finances, media law, public administration organisation, and local elections.

2. The project ‘Informarea şi participarea cetăţenilor – mijloc de dezvoltare a capacităţii de interacţiune cetăţean-administraţie’ [‘Informing and Participation of Citizens – Means of Developing the Citizen-Administration Interaction Ability’], project approved and co-financed by County Council Dolj and implemented in the period 01.06.2011-07.09.2011, had as main focus the promotion of civic education and knowledge concerning local public administration, thus aiming directly at the development of links between citizens and administration. The project was designed for a target group made up of 25 students in law, public administration, political sciences and sociology from County Dolj and presupposed the organisation of a training course on the informing and participation of citizens as fundamental conditions to local democracy. The course summed up eight teaching hours.

3. The project ‘Administraţia publică şi protecţia drepturilor cetăţeneşti’ [‘Public Administration and Protection of Citizenship Rights’], approved and co-financed by County Council Dolj and implemented in the period 26.10.2012-18.12.2012, had focussed specifically on the furthering of civic education and knowledge about local public administration and was aimed directly at supporting citizen-administration relations. The project was organised for target group consisting of 25 Master’s students in law, public administration and international relations from County Dolj and presupposed the setup of a training module on public administration and the protection of citizenship rights. Training activities involved 20 teaching hours and the implementation of 10 courses (two hours/ class). The implementation of the training module aimed at instilling group members with knowledge and skills regarding the current evolution of the legal means via which protection of citizenship rights is carried out, such as they result from present day legislation, as well future trends in legislation and administrative practices (both nationally and internationally). The overall goal was to sketch a full and complex picture of the means through which public administration protects citizenship rights.

Contact person: Professor George Gîrleșteanu, PhD

The Centre organises scientific events

Short description: The Fundamental Legal Research Centre organises scientific events in the field of law that enjoy the participation of prestigious, nationally and internationally recognised specialists. The following events can be hereby mentioned:

1. The International Congress ‘Dreptul la identitate, suveranitatea şi politicile de integrare a minorităţilor’ [‘[Right to Identity, Sovereignty and Minority Integration Policies]’], in partnership with the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, University of Craiova, Craiova, June 27th-29th 2008

2. The International Symposium ‘Sistemul juridic între stabilitate şi reformă’ [‘The Legal System between Stability and Reform’], in partnership with the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, University of Craiova, Craiova, November 18th-19th 2011

3. The Biannual International Conference ‘Sistemul juridic între stabilitate şi reformă’, [‘The Legal System between Stability and Reform’], in partnership with the Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, University of Craiova, Craiova, 26th-27th April 2013

4. The Round Table ‘Revizuirea Constituţiei României şi controlul de constituţionalitate’ [‘Review of the Constitution of Romania and the Control of Constitutionality’], Craiova, July 25th 2014, Centre of Fundamental Legal Research

5. The International Conference ‘Tradiţiile democratice ale poporului român şi idealurile Revoluţiei din decembrie 1989’ [‘The Democratic Traditions of the Romanian People and the Ideals of the Revolution of December 1989’], Craiova, October 13th-15th 2014, Centre of Fundamental Legal Research

6. The Biannual International Conference ‘Sistemul juridic între stabilitate şi reformă’, [‘The Legal System between Stability and Reform’], in partnership with the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, University of Craiova, Craiova, March 20th -21st 2015

Contact person: Professor George Gîrleșteanu, PhD


Faculty of Law (Facultatea de Drept)

St. Calea București no.107D, Craiova, Dolj, Romania

Telephone:+40 351 177100(Chief Secretary)

Fax:+40 351 177100

Location (see Google Maps )